
Benny Carter 1933/39


Benny Carter 1933/39
Philips 15PJ-41MI

1  Dissonance (Meaarow)
2  Swingin' With Mezz (Hill-Mezzrow)
3  Love, You're No One For Me (Carter-Mezzrow)
4  Shoot The Works (Carter-Mezzrow)
5  Dream Lullaby (Carter-Mills)
6  Everybody Shuffle (Carter)
7  Drop In Next Time You're Passing (Ellis)
8  The Man I Love (Gershwin)
1  Skip It (Carter)
2  I Ain't Got Nobody (Williams-Graham)
3  Blues In My Heart (Carter)
4  Somebody Loves Me (Gershwin-McDonald-DeSylva)
5  Mighty Like The Blues (Feather)
6  Pardon My Pretty Baby (Rose-Kruger-Maskel)
7  The Favor of Fool (Mills-Carter)
8  Riff Romp (Carter)

A1,2,3,4  1933 November 6, NYC
Mezz Mezzrow and his Orchestra
Max Kaminsky, Freddy Goodman, Ben Gasick (tp), Floyd O'Brien (tb), Mezz Mezzrow (cl,as), Benny Carter (tp,as), Johnny Russel (ts), Teddy Wilson (p), Clayton Duel (g), Pops Foster (b), Jack Mysell (ds)

A4,5,6  1934 December 13, NYC  
Benny Carter and his Orchestra
Russel Smith, Ortis Johnson, Irving Randolph (tp), Benny Morton, Keg Johnson (tb), Benny Carter (cl,as), Buster Smith, Russel Procope (as), Ben Webster (ts), Teddy Wilson (p), Clarence Holliday (g), Elmer James (b), Walter Johnson (ds)

A7,8  1936 October 13, London  
Elizabeth Welch and Quartet
Benny Carter (tp,cl,as), Gene Rogers (p), Ivor Myrantz (g), Worry Morris (b), Elizabeth Welch (vo)

B1,2,3  1937 August 17, Haag, Netherland
Benny Carter and his Orchestra
Sam Dasberg, Cliff Woodridge, Rolf Goldstein (tp), Benny Carter (tp,cl,as), George Chisolm, Harry Van Owven (tb), Louis Stephenson (as), Barty King, Jimmy Williams (ts), Freddy Johnson (p), Ray Webb (g), Len Harrison (b), Robert Montmersch (ds)

B4,5,6  1937 August 18, Haag, Netherland
Benny Carter, Coleman Hawkins, Freddy Johnson and their Orchestra
Benny Carter (tp,cl,as), George Chsolm (tb), Jimmy Williams (cl,as), Coleman Hawkins (ts), Freddy Johnson (p), Ray Webb (g), Len Harrison (b), Robert Monmersch (ds)

B7,8  1939 August 31, NYC
Benny Carter and his Orchestra
Joe Thomas, Lincoln Smith, Eddie Mullen (tp), Jimmy Archy, Vic Dickenson (tb), Tyree Glenn (tb,vib), Benny Carter, James Powell, Carl Fry (as), Ernie Powell, Caster McCord (ts), Eddie Heywood (p), Ulyseece Livingston (g), Hays Alvis (b), Henry Morrison (ds)

1930年代中期のBenny Carterはまさに全盛期にありました。不況下にあっても自己の楽団を率い、編曲や伴奏でも多くの録音を残しています。編曲の優雅さと演奏の洗練振りにおいて同時代の黒人バンドでは群を抜いたものでした。その洗練度はTeddy Wilsonのピアノのそのまま投影したと、個人的には考えています。

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